Lessons For Our Game With The Devils...

23rd April 2013 By Misterspruce

After our somewhat lackluster performance against Fulham, I only hope our boys would go into the match against the devils on Sunday bearing the following points in mind:

1. Do not NOT take advantage of a team less one man before the 1st half ends. Do a Mortal Kombat fatality move and finish it.

2. Do not play a high defence and commit more men forward than you would like and therefore struggle to tame the opposing team on the counter. We're lucky that was Fulham; of-course a team like Man-U, Chelsea and City, even Tottenham (like they did when we met them last) would have made us suffer for it.

3. Do not allow a team less one man play like they have thirteen (13) and press the sh*! out of you. In most of the 2nd half, we were on the back foot, even worse after pretty boy Giroud got sent off.

4. Do not make tackling an opposing team player an afterthought like Giroud did, it could painfully earn you a red card; something we cannot afford to do against the devils under the auspices of Sorcerer Ferguman.

5. Do remember that we actually do need Champions League football next season, not because we want to save face but because most of the players we hope would come to Drayton Park would only come if they can get Champions League football. If you mess up, nothing for you, Nada, zip, zilch! Capice?

6. Do not frolic about the pitch on Sunday boys, stop trying to top the table for the most passes in a game in the EPL, just shoot the friggin' ball into the friggin' net! *venting*

7. Do settle for at least a draw at Old Trafford. It's not impossible.

8. Put 'Judas-the-glass knees' (you know who I'm talking about) in his place, make him invisible, let people wonder if he's on the pitch at all. Scum.

The devils would want to finish up the job in front of their home fans, let's not give them the pleasure. Let's make life difficult for them. Bloody difficult.

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  1. brilliant article! i love the point on Judas... :P

  2. Thanks Jeremy, comments are always appreciated. :)

  3. Arsenal_Supremo24 April 2013 at 14:48

    agreed well written as always mister spruce!

  4. Thanks Supremo
