EXCLUSIVE : The Arsenal Supporters Trust meeting held today Monday 15th of April 2013

15th April 2013 Exclusive brought to you by Jeff @ArsenalTrend

The Arsenal Supporters Trust was dominated by lots of revelations by special guest journalist Amy Lawrence- @amylawrence71 (Football Writer for Guardian) and also a respected Arsenal Fan. Meeting started with distribution to AST members a copy of letter that was sent to Premier League Chief Scudamore from Premier League Supporters Trust raising issues on away ticket prices. Section of the letter suggests "action must be taken by Premier League and its members to preserve the significant benefits to the game that the culture of away supporters bring."

The letter also suggests "there should be consideration to ensure away tickets cost no more than the clubs lowest home fan ticket." Another suggestion from a copy of letter that was sent to Premier League Chief Scudamore includes that "away ticket prices should reduced with commercial sponsor contributing funds to cover any shortfall." Focus from today's Arsenal's Supporters Trust meeting then turned to special guest of the day Amy Lawrence.

She started by pointing out how Arsène Wenger has changed the way he deals with the media. Amy Lawrence says Wenger has become "a lot more reserved recently and more edgy. He now takes criticism more personally, from being open and inspiring to being more reserved in recent years." According to Amy Lawrence, the Arsenal board had repeatedly offered to buy players or make more funds available to Arsène Wenger but he always declined.

Also in her words, current Arsenal board (whom almost all are above seventy years (70), old), definitely with no intentions to relieve Arsene Wenger of his duties or make any change at managerial level regardless of the clubs position at the end of the season. It all depends on Arsene Wenger regarding if he will want to continue as the clubs manager, as he's already being offered a new contract but its unlikely Wenger will sign a contract this summer. Amy Lawrence said the wage structure at Arsenal is completely determined and managed by Arsène Wenger.

Decisions to players wages are solely his. Amy Lawrence also claims she could have easily have published some very revealing and uncomfortable quotes from Szczesny in her recent article after an exclusive interview with him, but she didn't. Amy Lawrence said there was a lot of things Szczesny said in the interview that as an Arsenal fan she felt it was not right to publish. These include not being motivated enough when playing against Stoke City and also about Szczesny's encounters with Spurs fans in the streets. A member who traveled down to London from the United States, @christoronyi points out that Kroenke doesnt put money into any of his teams in US and he only rely's on TV revenue to execute the business of his Sport Ventures.

The key highlight of the night was news about Arsenal have lack of signing new players in January is apparently because the club want to spend 'big' in the summer. Amy Lawrence said Arsenal the club is planning a substantial spree this summer. Other important News to note is that Arsenal will announce new improvements to the club's "Ticket Exchange" scheme next month.

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