Wojciech Szczesny committed to Arsenal: 'As long as they want me'

18th March 2013 By ArsenlSupremo Source : DailyMail

After being left out of the last 2 games against Bayern & Swansea Wojciech was reiterated his commitment to Arsenal Football Club. The 22-year-old international has seen Lukasz Fabianski impress in keeping two clean sheets in Arsenal's last two fixtures.

Szczesny said: "I am too happy to go somewhere else. I believe in the philosophy of the club and that Arsenal will start to win again.

"I have a debt to pay here for the club, I owe them. I just do not want to go anywhere else. As long as they want me here, there is no 'somewhere else', and I have a contract until June 2015."

Wojciech on the possibiliy on missing out on Champions League Football 'It is halfway through March and we have lost everything. There are still 10 matches left to save the club against the humiliation of all times.'It would be disaster not to be in the top four and without Champions League next year.