Pre Match Build Up : Arsene Wenger Press Conference Pre Swansea

15tth March By ArsenalSupremo

Arsene Wenger spoke to the media ahead of the vital game away to Swansea where the Arsenal looking to maintain the performance from Munich. Arsene looked back on the win over Bayern, competition for places and didn't want to reveal who would start in goal, was it going to be Szczesny or Fabianski who had a near faultless performance in Munich. Topics also raised was racism in football and what should be done to combat it and finally the excellent form of Swansea's Michu.

On the way is a match preview of the game by Jeff @ArsenalTrend so comeback to have a good read and remember to subscribe via email so you don't miss out on any of the stories on our new Arsenal Fan Site COYG! What do you think is going to happen at the game would love to see your thoughts on the game why not leave a comment and give us your predictions.

Match Preview from Jeff @ArsenalTrend Click Here