Hector Bellerin scores stunning last minute goal to defeat Manchester United U21's - Match Highlights now up!

21st March 2013 by ArsenalSupremo

Watch Solo Goal Click Here

Arsenal U21's Starting 11 Martinez Bellerin Hajrovic Miquel Bihmoutine Yennaris Coquelin Eisfeld Henderson Hayden Watt.

Subtitutes - Vickers Wynter Eastmond Neita Ansah

The Arsenal U21's after going a goal down to a great strike from Manchester United's Charni Ekangamene produced a gritty and patient performance to win the game after leveling through a penalty which Conor Henderson calmly slotted away then right at the death a fantastic volley from the talented right back Hector Bellerin sealed all three points for the gunners!

Match Highlights are now uploaded and can view the video below! Also the Arsenal will play their quarter finals of the NextGen cup which of course at ArsenalSupremo will cover it and bring you the match report and match highlights! Or if you subscribe to the Arsenal player you can watch live streaming for the game on Monday. Information for the tickets for the game Click Here

Read Full Match Report from Arsenal's official website Click Here
Stunning strike from Nico Yennairs defeats NextGen reigning Champions Inter Milan read match report here